Friday, May 15, 2020

Self Assessment Applying Organizational Behavior Theories

Part A: Self Assessment The terminal values I have are happiness, recognition, and prosperity. My primary goal is to live a happy life. When I look back at my life, I want to feel that I have lived a happy one. I tell myself that I want to die smiling, and if there are lots of people missing me, I will have lived good life. As it can be seen from wanting to have people missing me, recognition from the people around me is also a very important terminal value. My definition of recognition is to be loved and admired from my friends and family, mostly for my character as well as ability and achievement. This puts me in the category of high need for affiliation, which is true. It is my philosophy that no one is perfect, and no one can live†¦show more content†¦I am collaborating and compromising when faced with conflicts. I understand what people want is different, and sometimes not everyone can get everything they want. The important part is that everyone should express their desires, and the decision should be made through a fair procedure, so people could accept giving up something they want. And if I am the one to give things up, I would have no complaints. As for leadership, I show both task-oriented and people-oriented results. In terms of task completion, I do have a higher task-oriented characteristic. Although I have high need for affiliation, when a task is given to complete and someone has to push the group, I become more task-oriented and call for focus on achieving the goal. The assessment says that the best leaders can use both leadership styles in various situations, and I always try to balance the two. Three years ago, I was elected as a leader of a music performance club. As a leader, I had to get along with all the members and keep them cohesive. On the other hand, I had to push them hard to do better when performing on stage. During my time as a leader, I exerted leadership through expertise and being referent. By holding profound knowledge of what I do, I won’t be challenged and earn respect by subordinates. In this case, I had a good knowledge of Hip-hop, Ramp;B, and soul music along with singing. So I taught them how to become better. I thought by being referent, I couldShow MoreRelatedThe Leadership Journey Of Ronda Harlan1535 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction to a Leadership Journey This paper outlines the leadership journey of Ronda Harlan; an Organizational Leadership student, at Colorado State University (CSU) and how the CSU Masters of Science in Organizational Leadership (MSOL) program helped Ronda to evaluate human behavior within organizations to understand ethical practices, effective leadership, organizational communication, and cogent decision-making principles. 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