Tuesday, August 27, 2019

IP SCHEME Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

IP SCHEME - Term Paper Example This is a critical paper that examines the way that XUMUC can efficiently network in its three branches. Technical details Expanding a network can be very challenging for any organization if proper and effective measures are not put in place. During the expansion, the organization has to decide on whether to change the whole networking structure or to continue with the previous addressing structure. Due to the networking challenges that XUMUC has and their need for change in the networking addressing to reduce the high administrative overhead and to enable the network to work efficiently, the networking structure has to be changed in this case (Plekta, 2000). To reduce high administration overhead, a client server network is necessary. This will ensure that there is only one administrator who is able to control the whole network as the other clients use the network. Since this is a wide area network, ach branch of XUMUC has to have one router which is connected to the different switc hes in the area that connects the computers in a topology that supports the client server relationship (Collins, 2003). The link of the WAN can be made by an optic fiber or a good wireless link. Since static IP addressing comes with a high administrative overhead, dynamic addressing is the best type of networking that can be effectively used in this case. In the dynamic addressing, each time a client boots, a discover message from the DHCP is automatically sent. An offer message is the answer that it receives for it to move on. In this type of IP addressing, the client automatically chooses their network without the approval of the admin. Dynamic addressing has several advantages as opposed to the static addressing. First of all, the client gets to set their own address automatically without having the administration privileges (Graham, 2001). This therefore reduces the high administration overhead that is currently present in the organization. The other major advantage is that when ever a client log in from a different location, the client is directly assigned anew IP address and can be able to access the network without any problem. However if the client returns to the previous location, then they are not able to find the previous IP address which they were using. IP addressing table Location Number of IP addresses required Address block assigned Gateway San Francisco 1290 Denver region 504 Denver campus 441 Remote office 1 28 Remote office 2 35 Houston region 350 Houston campus 329 Remote office 3 21 The table above represents the general IP addressing table that has been proposed for the three branches of the organization. It is however important that the network be able to accommodate changes such that whenever new users get to the system, they are able to get new IP addresses that are completely different from the ones in use. The number of IP addresses assigned in each location has to therefo re keep shifting depending on the number of users that the organization has at any given point. This ensures that the network not only functions efficiently but also be able to accommodate as many users without administration privileges. Conclusion Poor integration is a very difficult task to reverse. Due to this, XUMUC has to cover a lot of expenses so as to allow the shifting. Dynamic addressing is very convenient in this type of network since the

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