Wednesday, January 29, 2020

An Evening Walk by the Sea Shore Essay Example for Free

An Evening Walk by the Sea Shore Essay After a hard day’s work, nothing is more refreshing than a quiet walk along the shore of the sea. While the exercise is good for our bodies, the presence of the ocean seems to have a pe ­culiarly tranquillizing influence upon our minds. Every sight and sound inspires a spirit of rest and peacefulness; and the effect is enhanced by the absence of the sights and sounds to which we have been exposed throughout the day. It is a delightful change, after escaping from the noisy bustle of our daily work, to hear the ceaseless music of the waves, and to breathe the fresh sea-breezes instead of the vitiated atmosphere of office or class-room. During our walk along the margin of the sea we enjoy the view of the broad expanse of waters spread out before our eyes, an unfailing source of delight to any one capable of appreciating the beauties of nature. For the ocean in all its changeful moods never ceases to be beautiful, and is especially beautiful at the hour of sunset. The spectacle presented by the setting sun, as it sinks beneath the ocean wave, is one of the greatest charms of an evening walk by the seashore. In India, for the greater part of the year, the clouds, whose fantastic shapes and brilliant hues add so much to the beauty of an English sunset, are wanting. But even in a cloudless sky when â€Å"the broad sun is sinking down, in his tranquility† and â€Å"the gentleness of heavens on the sea,† the spectacle presented to the eye is full of claim beauty. For some time after the sun has set, the sky is suffused with delicate tints of colour, until the first stars begin to appear on its darkening surface, and day finally gives place to night. In the beginning and the end of the monsoon we have splendid specimens of cloudy sunset, such as surpass the most vivid description given by En ­glish poets, and would, if faithfully depicted on canvas, be con ­demned as exaggerated representations of nature. At this time of year, while the evening sky is still of an intense blue, the clouds are tinged with gold, and purple, and all the colors of the rainbow, and the sea beneath repeats the brilliant coloring of the sky and the clouds above. From such a revelation of the beauties of nature the poor man derives as much pleasure as the choicest collection of paint ­ings and sculptures and other works of art affords to the million ­aire. Indeed, when we look with reverent awe upon the sea and sky at the hour of sunset, it does not seem  strange to us that the great powers of nature were once worshipped as gods; and the tranquillizing effect that the sea, especially in the evening, has upon the spectator, enables us to understand how the ancients found it natural to go to the shore and pour out their sorrows to the sea, when the hearts were overburdened with care and no mortal being seemed capable of giving consolation. Wordsworth, the great English poet, felt and beautifully expressed this in his sonnet beginning. â€Å"The world is too much with us,† in which he mourned the fact that most people had lost the power of appre ­ciating the beauty of nature, by giving themselves up to business and worldly pleasure â€Å"late and soon, Getting and spending we lay waste our powers.† He ends with this passionate outburst of desire for the old Greek love and reverence for nature. â€Å"Great God! I’d rather be A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn, so might I, standing on this pleasant lea, Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn; Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea; Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.†

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

William Bradford :: essays research papers

"If a tree falls but no one is there to see it, does it really fall?" This quote explains the very logic of history. Throughout the course of history, many significant occurrences have shaped our society to what it is today: free. William Bradford not only lived through a symbolic historical cornerstone of America, but wrote about it too. William Bradford, the second governor of Plymouth colony elected, was accountable for the young colony’s success through great hardships. The Pilgrims were signified as complete abdicates from the Church of England. The success of the Plymouth was based on covenantalism - the belief that men could form compacts or covenants in the sight of God as a basis for government without the consent of a higher authority. According to Bradford’s exposé, the Pilgrims: shook off this yoke of antichristian bondage, and as the Lord's free people joined themselves (by a covenant of the Lord) into a church estate, in the fellowship of the gospel, to walk in all His ways made known, or to be made known unto them, according to their best endeavors, whatsoever it should cost them, the Lord assisting them. And that it cost them something this ensuing history will declare. But after these things they could not long continue in any peaceable condition, but were hunted and persecuted on every side, so as their former afflictions were but as flea-bitings in comparison of these, which now came upon them. For some were taken and clapped up in prison, others had their houses beset and watched night and day, and hardly escaped their hands; and the most were fain to flee and leave their houses and habitations, and the means of their livelihood. Yet these and many other sharper things which afterward befell them, were no other than they looked for, and therefore were the better prepared to bear them by the assistance of God's grace and Spirit. Yet seeing themselves thus molested, and that there was no hope of their continuance there, by a joint consent they resolved to go into the Low Countries, where they heard was freedom of religion for all men; they resolved to get over into Holland as they could. (W. Brad Home Page). Once in Holland, the Pilgrims discovered that religious persecution was being diffused. They picked up once again on another brave journey in search for a land that was seemingly impossible to find: a land of religious freedom.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Dealing with various types of emergency procedures Essay

The following sets out the principles for dealing with various types of emergency procedures within schools & is given as guidance only. Fire & other emergencies In the event of fire & other emergencies (such as gas leak, flood & bomb scare) buildings need to be evacuated quickly but safely. In all schools there should be clear, detailed procedures on evacuation which must be displayed in each area of the school. These procedures should give information on: How to raise the alarm in the event of an emergency. What to do if you hear the fire alarm. The nearest assembly point – this may be a playground, sports field or even a nearby evacuation centre/safety perimeter following instructions from police. Registers should be available so staff can account for the safety & whereabouts of all the children. The route you should take – this should include a plan of the route from each room or area of the school, detailing the nearest fire exits. No staff or children should be allowed to stop to collect personal belongings or put on coats. Must not re-enter the building until you have been informed it is safe to do so. Security There should be security in place in schools to minimise the risks to children. As a teaching assistant, you must know what these are & follow the procedures at all times. These procedures should include: Security locks on doors. Signing in procedures/visitor badges (you should be able to identify all visitors to the school by badges. If unsure about someone you see on the school grounds, always report your concern to someone higher). Procedures for collection of younger children. Registration. Missing children While security measures should minimise the risk of children going missing, it is vitally important that you follow the school guidelines. As a teaching assistant, you may be asked to accompany children on school visits & to supervise a group of children. All staff present on such visits should make regular checks that all children are present. Some schools may require all the children to wear hi-visibility vests or other items which make them easily identifiable during school outings. On discovering children are missing, you must take the following immediate action: Report to the teacher responsible. Ensure the presence & safety of the other children by checking the register. Check all surrounding areas from where the child/Children have gone missing, whether it is in the school grounds or during an outing. Inform the child/children’s parents.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

School Uniforms A Bad Idea Essay - 1247 Words

One of the greatest controversies that is spreading throughout high schools in the United States is parents and their children against the enforcement of their school’s uniform policy. More schools have been adopting uniform policies within the past decade. Rules contained in the policy that are implemented range from wearing certain types of tops (shirts) in specified colors to students being required to tuck in their shirts. In the past, uniforms were exclusively for students who attended private schools because they were â€Å"well-off†, but now uniforms are being seen more frequently in public schools on students of all economic levels. Having gone through a school system that considered adopting a uniform policy, I would have to press†¦show more content†¦Even our forefathers years ago knew the importance of America and its inhabitants to be individuals; hence Freedom of Speech in the Bill of Rights. Imagine picking up your child from school to find he r in tears. Through her sobs she tells you that her day was spent in In-School-Suspension (ISS) for refusing to remove her head scarf, part of your family’s religious attire; I’m sure that you would be outraged. Your child’s uniform policy does not allow for any type of head gear to be worn, which left her stuck outside of the classroom and in ISS. In the words of the United States Department of Education, â€Å"A school uniform policy must accommodate students whose religious beliefs are substantially burdened by a uniform requirement (â€Å"Manual on School Uniforms†), this mandate is distributed to all public schools that want to implement or are currently utilizing a uniform policy. What the school did to your child is considered a violation of her religious rights under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. A school district in North Carolina came to an out-of-court settlement after being slapped with a lawsuit due to the fact that they denied any exemptions from the uniform policy based on religion. Our great country was founded on the basis of Freedom of Religion, so why should we allow for it to be taken away because of a school board’s decision to adopt a uniform policy that doesShow MoreRelatedWhy The School Uniform Policy Is Such A Bad Idea1980 Words   |  8 PagesMeyer College Writing 1 10 December 2015 Ban School Uniforms There are so many reasons why the School Uniform policy is such a bad idea. Even though uniforms were recently imposed in certain locations, uniforms have been in existence for several centuries now. The first type of school uniform that was documented was a standard garment in 1222. In 16th century England, children in the Christ Hospital Boarding School were the creators of modern school uniform. They wore blue cassocks and yellow stockings;Read MoreImportance Of School Uniforms Essay876 Words   |  4 Pagessomething to wear to school the next day? School uniforms are beneficial because first of all, with school uniforms students will fit in with their school and everyone. Second, school uniforms help schools recognize those who do and do not belong on campus. And third, they are cheaper than normal clothes. Some might think that they are boring, but the thing is that school have them in different colors which could make it fun for the students. The first reason why school uniforms are beneficial is becauseRead MoreSchool Uniforms are a Terrible Idea984 Words   |  4 PagesRefutation essay- â€Å"school uniforms are a terrible idea† The essay school uniforms are a terrible idea states that. School uniforms fail to achieve the goals for which a school uniform was established suck as to save students money to, to prevent violence, and create a more organized school environment. The essay also states the uniforms restrict student’s freedom of expression. That school uniforms have led to more violence and that since no studies have yet proven that a uniform policy can solveRead MoreSchool Uniforms Help Improve The Learning Environment979 Words   |  4 PagesDo you know someone who wear a school uniform? Did you wear a uniform when you were in school? Have you felt uncomfortable because of wearing a uniform? There are many problems that are affecting Duplin County schools, such as bullying. It is an issue that can be prevented if many parents support the idea that school uniforms help to improve the learning environment. Using a school uniform may help students to understand that everyone is equal, and no on e is better or less if they wear or not brandRead MoreWhy School Uniforms Are Used As A Method Of Assimilation Rather Than Safety845 Words   |  4 PagesAfter analyzing the primary documents it became clear that school uniforms were used as a method of assimilation rather than safety. The documents never mention safety at all but rather distinguish between what is acceptable and unacceptable in a predominately white society. The language and rationale in the primary sources have a strong cultural undercurrent. â€Å"In many classrooms, the dress code looks like this: pants drooped to the midseat, pierced noses, tattoos, revealing camisoles and other perplexingRead More Supporting School Uniforms Essay1569 Words   |  7 PagesSocialization and You: Students in Uniform Uniforms have helped develop many children socially into the people they are today. Presented in argument form is how the role expectations, social control, and values of being in uniform have helped me succeed. Being in school uniforms at an early age has centralized me to this idea. High school was the first time without being in uniform for me. It was a culture shock. People made fun of what you wore some days, or would look at you wrong. You were noRead MoreDo School Uniforms Help Students? Essay1445 Words   |  6 Pagesbelieve that school uniforms help students achieve good on their health and financial problems? Many people, schools, and even state governments have been in conflict over uniforms every since they went popular to the United States in the 1980s, even though they started way before that. Although many opponents might suggest that school uniforms bring improvements, there are too many drawbacks on a school uniform to show that they are nothing more than a bad ide a for students everywhere. School uniformsRead More Supporting School Uniforms Essay1600 Words   |  7 Pageswhether it is right or wrong to be made to wear School uniform is what I will be discussing. This is an issue as people have conflicting views on why we should be forced to wear these clothes. The majority believe this to be a commendable notion whereas some think it isnt worth it. Despite some good points for opposing uniform, my overall view is that it is a good idea. One of the the most debatable and contraversial issues when opposing School uniform is that it removes individual identity. TheRead MoreAre School Uniforms Beneficial Or Not?1098 Words   |  5 PagesAre School Uniforms Beneficial or Not? How does dressing and feeling the same as everybody else sound? Would it be enjoyable, or would it be no fun? According to, the first recorded use of school uniforms in the United States was in 1994. In Europe around the early sixteenth century, school uniforms were made to tell the difference between poor students to the charity schools as opposed to other children. In London people thought that schools without uniforms were to be looked at as lowerRead MorePros And Cons Of School Uniforms1158 Words   |  5 PagesSchool Uniforms: Are Boomers and Stickers Affecting the Way People See Them? People say that school uniforms are a good thing. They prevent bullying, they are easier for parents to dress younger students, and they help students focus on studying, not what they are wearing. Are school administrators or boomers of the American school systems causing students to become Wendys Berrys version of stickers? Having students wear school uniforms have several pros and cons to them, including the cost