Saturday, December 28, 2019

Food for Brain 5 Products That Strengthen Your Memory

It is not easy to be a student – constant assignments, exams and lectures take a great toll on your ability to perceive and process information. While some problems can be solved by a bit of self-discipline and time management, if the workload becomes too strenuous, you have to use everything at your disposal to successfully deal with all this stress. Changing your eating habits may seem to be a long shot from studying, but don’t forget – you are what you eat. And if eating certain products may do a world of good for the acuteness of your mind and power of your memory – do you really want to miss such an opportunity? Here they are: Oily fish is the first that comes to mind. It contains omega-3 fats necessary for correct functioning of the brain. Bad news – these fats cannot be synthesized by your body and have to be procured elsewhere. Good news – oily fish, such as salmon, trout, sardines, mackerel, herring and some other types are an excellent source of omega-3 fats. In addition to improving your immediate brain functions, regular consumption of oily fish drastically reduces risks of Alzheimer’s disease later in life. All kinds of nuts are not only tasty and nutritious, but extremely good for your brain. They contain great amounts of Vitamin E, and eating them regularly will boost your mental acuity. And again, going nuts right now may pay off later in life, because scientific evidence suggests that they greatly slow mental deterioration in old people. You probably know that wholegrain products are more wholesome than white flour in every respect. What you might not know is that they are much better for your brain as well as for the rest of the body. Just like your muscles, your brain depends on how steadily its energy is supplied, and constant, stable flow of nutrients is better than short-lived surges. Wholegrain products do exactly this – they slowly introduce glucose into the bloodstream, feeding your body for a long time. Blueberries – yet another combination of healthy and tasty. Diets rich in blueberries have been proved to protect brain from oxidative stress, improve learning abilities, short-term memory and motor skills, and greatly reduce the risks of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other similar conditions. Leafy vegetables – not all people like them, but scientists are quite sure that such vegetables as spinach, broccoli, kale and collard greens decrease the levels of homocysteine, thus preventing death of nerve cells in the brain. Although changing your eating habits alone will not make you into a straight-A student, it may greatly improve your learning abilities and make your life much easier.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Who Is A Soldier Refuse An Illegal Or Unjust Order

Soldiers take on the role of Soldiers and accept certain norms or obedience to authority, and many in the lower ranks take the position that obeying orders are a part of their duties that must be carried out, without question. There are instances when Soldiers must face virtues such as courage, which would be a principal virtue of any Soldier. One moral dilemma and a question that may arise, is should a Soldier refuse an illegal or unjust order given by his/her superiors? Some Soldiers pursuant to the dictates of their consciences, refuse to follow orders that are in direct conflict to their virtues and what may be possible illegal or unjust based on their ethical merit. There are Soldiers who would follow orders without culpability regardless if the outcome would have been beneficial or otherwise. One must remember that there are serious risk and consequences when Soldiers choose not to follow orders of their superiors and it rests on a Soldier’s understanding of what is illegal or unjust and immoral or moral. Kant is responsible for the most prominent and well-known form of deontological ethics. Kant’s moral theory is based on his view of the human being as having the unique capacity for rationality. Mitcham states that, â€Å"deontologists focus on the rightness of an act and not on what results from the act. Right action may end up being pleasant or unpleasant for the agent, may meet with approval or condemnation from others, and may produce pleasure, riches,Show MoreRelated The My Lai Massacre Essay2713 Words   |  11 Pagesinstructions for the soldiers were. Even with these contradictions the results are obvious. The question that must be posed is whether these results make the American soldiers involved that day â€Å"guilty†. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Human Resource Management for Retailing Industry-MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theHuman Resource Management for Retailing Industry. Answer: Introduction This study is aimed to illustrate the concept of human resource management challenges in the retailing industry worldwide. Furthermore, this study is based on the evidences on various retailers which are practicing human resource management and facing these challenged in the international market of retailing sector (Louw, 2013). In addition to this, the recruitment process in any organization is operated through different methods, manners, on certain values, traditions and beliefs that influence the hiring process of human resource management. Likewise, this research paper explores the recommendation for the challenges faced by the retailing industries regarding the recruitment process. Recruitment Process Challenges Faced in the Retailing Industry Globally, retailing industry is comprised of many small, medium and large retailing sector companies. It almost covers all the goods and products that is manufactured for the utility of the customers and needs to be addressed directly for sale (Fui and Yazdanifard, 2015). The retailing industry is one of the industries that have given employment to more than half of the whole employed people around the world. There are various retail chains and multinational retailing sectors that given enormous opportunities to the employees in terms of financial security, social security and other benefits. It has been also analyzed that retailing industry is the most flexible job opportunity for any employee whether the worker is fresher or has some experience. Apart from this, this industry has the biggest employee turnover rate due to low risk involved and less paid jobs ensured by the organization (Fui and Yazdanifard, 2015). Thus, in this section recruitment and selection process challenges wi ll be discussed to give an insight on human resource management problems faced by retailing industry. The problem of the recruitment selection in the retailing industry is related to the performance appraisal (Nalla and Varalaxmi, 2014). This sector has a very less opportunity on allocation of performance appraisal, basically it is not based on any target and directly involves customer dealing that makes it hard for the human resource management to identify the accurate method for performance measurement. Not only, the management faces trouble in determining the method which will motivate the employee through performance appraisals, but also due to law wage rate and margin involved in the job it is very difficult for the management to excite workforce for the better performance (Nalla and Varalaxmi, 2014). The training and development facilities in the particular industry are very low and in fact does not counted to be important. This type of attitude gives poor service to the customers and major issues at the time of crises or management in various events within the organization. It has also been found that low compensation because of low margin is another critical problem for the organization. Rewards, incentives and recognition also makes it difficult in the retailing sector industry because majority of the work is single layered and does not provide sufficient prospects for the organization to involve employees in the work more and more (Qureshi, 2013). Lack of skilled manpower is one of the key challenges in the retailing sector that impacts the sale of the retailing firms largely (Qureshi, 2013). No business techniques and active participation losses the interest of prospective buyer. There is no value addition is counted, thus human resource management excuses the use of basic training for the sales force of retailing sectors as it incurs more expenses to the retailers. The shift management is very hectic and requires full attention all the time, therefore the work involves stress in the work culture of the retailing organization an which cannot be controlled by the human resource management (Zinyemba, 2014). Lack of formal education in retail management also sometimes creates problems in issue handling and in management. Workforce attrition is very high in the retailing sector which creates problem for the management to control the recruitment process based on this issue. There are various types and large number of retailers is available in the market as well as offering the suitable job for the people in better financial option, hence threat of poaching is very high in the retail industry. Retailing sectors only offers low paid jobs for the sales force; hence no motivation is there to attract people for the job (Zinyemba, 2014). Retailing jobs are not counted as Career focused aspects and cannot benefit as future or long term investment. In addition to this, the retailing jobs are physically demanding as it involves more than 10 hour shifts or so even in holidays, weekends and public holidays workers have to come for their job daily (Greenidge et al., 2012). This problem is faced by the human resource management for convincing the workforce for greater commitment in low amount of consideration. In the retailing sector, employee involvement is very in the work/job due to shift practices which works for a definite period of time and no further engagement by the employee is provided. Thin margin to the organizations in the retailer sector leads to low paid job and human resource management has to consider this fact again and again for the fair management (Greenidge et al., 2012). No experienced manpower is being recruited in this industry; it challenges the recruitment process every time. Changing employee demographic with acute shortage skilled sales force is another challenge for the organization along with this, scar city of fresher workforce has also been faced by the human resource management where geographical problems are being faced. Different work culture and stressful environment with the much work force diversity impacts the recruitment process and HR management in the organization. Other sector growth such as service sector, insurance sector, education service, leisure and hospitality services, transportation and similar services that pays more attractive wages and benefits to the employees, therefore, it becomes hard for the human resource management to retain its employees after some time or even at the time of recruitment giving them a win-win situation deal (Pandey, 2013). Formal retailing skill are absent in the employees because no formal or minimum qualification is required in the retailing jobs. These all above mentioned challenges also arise the basic problem of maximum turnover rate of employees in the retailing industry. The employees are prone to absenteeism and turnover due to less risk is involved and various opportunities in the retailing or other sector market are available (McGuire and Cross, 2003). This also facilitates the problem of labor supply and demand in the market which challenges the human resource management for the better implementation of strategies to improve the employee loyalty towards the retailing organization. Recommendation to Overcome Above Challenges There are certain recommendations which can be implemented to minimize the problems faced by the human resource management in the recruiting process (McGuire and Cross, 2003). These strategies will improve the employee loyalty and involvement of employees in the retailing activities. The motivation of work will also be enhanced by the integration of these strategies to the workforce at the time of recruitment and selection process. From the initial stage, human resource management should be prepared for the effective articulation of the information to the employee and negotiation which will create and end up in a win-win situation. Sometime, manipulative talk and relieving with empathy communication ensures the employees direction and engagement in the organization operations (Tay, 2011). These strategies involve employers branding, types of advertising, cost reduction strategy, quality enhancement strategy and a customer focus strategy. Employers branding is based on the organizatio ns name and fame, where working become prestige for any worker. Big names of the compnies often attract the employees as it is more suitable and acceptable in the society (Tay, 2011). Not only this, the employees find it a good reference in the society or for next employer if the bid name of the company is associated with the job profile. Therefore, the human resource management can entice the workforce by cashing the name or brand of the company or employer in the market. Furthermore, some advertisement strategies can also be used to remind and inform the prospective workforce again and again (Renko, 2017). The advertisement could be given through the social media, newspaper, magazines, employment issues, consultancies, mouth to mouth advertisement and many more methods can be induced for this. Next is cost reduction strategy which focused on the other functions to reduce the cost and give more preference to the financial security of the employees. This strategy is to give more financial benefits to the employees for the greater satisfaction in the employee leads to greater involvement (Ekwoaba et al., 2015). After that, quality enhancement strategy is recommended by providing basic training to the employees and entice them referring them the future use of skills and ability because of that training. New skills such as basic computer operations, customer handling techniques and customer relationship management could be used to the purpose. Last is cus tomer focus strategy that states that recruitment process of HR management should be based on requirement and need based on the customer focus. The employee needs to only satisfy customer in order to grab the job which will also give target to the employee and increase their engagement in the job (Ekwoaba et al., 2015). Thus, these strategies can be considered useful in order to deal with the challenges faced by the retailing organizations human resource management in recruiting and selection procedures. Conclusion In the above discussion, it can be implicated that retailing sector faces various challenges in the recruiting process such as employees loyalty, engagement, involvement and absenteeism. Along with this, issues related to less payment due to thin margin with stern and distinct shift system in the retailing sector creates more problems for the management to attract the potential workforce for the job. In addition to this, work culture, integration of diversified workforce and stressful environment of retailing sector jobs are serious trouble in the recruitment process. However, application of specific strategy in a situation can resolve the issue of recruitment in retailing sectors. These strategies include cost reduction, quality enhancement and employers brand strategy to overcome challenges faced by retailing sectors. Reference Ekwoaba, J. O., et al. 2015. The impact of recruitment and selection criteria on Organizational performance. Global Journal of Human Resource Management 3(2), pp. 22-33. Fui, W., and Yazdanifard, R. 2015. Opportunities and Challenges in the World of Retailing and the Importance of Adaption to the New Markets. International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics 2(9), pp. 1110-1121. Greenidge, D., et al. 2012. A comparative study of recruitment and training practices between small and large businesses in an emerging market economy: The case of Barbados. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 19(1), pp. 164-182. Louw, G. 2013. Exploring recruitment and selection trends in the Eastern Cape. SA Journal of Human Resource Management 11(1), pp. 1-10. McGuire, D., and Cross, C. 2003. Examining the Matching Process Human Resource Management and Competitive Strategies: A Study of the Irish Retail Sector. Presented at the 7th Conference on International Human Resource Management, University of Limerick, June 4-6 2003. Nalla, B., and Varalaxmi, P. 2014. Human Resource Management Practices in Organized Retailing A Study of Select Retailers. International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review 1(2), pp. 63-74. Pandey, A. K. 2013. Current Human Resource Management Practices in Organized Retail Outlets. The International Journal of Business Management 4(3), pp. 100-103. Qureshi, M.O. 2013. A Study of the Contemporary Issues of Human Resource Management in the Retail Sector of Saudi Arabia. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business 4(9), pp. 1205-1216. Renko, S. 2017. The importance of human resource management in enhancing environmental dimensions of Sustainability in retailing. International Journal of Management and Applied Science 1(3), pp. 60-63. Tay, A. 2011. HRM Practices of an International Retailer in Malaysia: Comparing the Perceptions of Subordinates and Supervisors at Six Retail Outlets. Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, 4(2),pp. 119?135. Zinyemba, A. Z. 2014. The Challenges of Recruitment and Selection of Employees in Zimbabwean Companies. International Journal of Science and Research 3(1), pp. 29-33.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

WInning or longitivity Essay Example

WInning or longitivity Essay Winning and Longevity A professional baseball team set Its sights on winning the World Series. The team owner wanted to win big and win fast. Consequently, the team sank all of Its resources into trading for the best players in the league. It was able to obtain enough of them that within two seasons the team was the World Series champion. However, the team had committed such a high percentage of its financial resources to players salaries that other important elements of the team began to suffer. Its stadium quickly fell Into such a state of disrepair that fans began to stay home. Training faculties also began to suffer, which caused discontent among the players. The money left over to pay the salaries of coaches wasnt enough to hold onto the good ones, most of whom accepted better offers from other teams. In short, by focusing so intently on the desired end result, this organization neglected other important aspects of building a competitive team. As a result, the teams World Series championship was a short-lived-once-in-a-lifetime victory. The very next season the teams crumbling infrastructure sent it tumbling to the bottom of Its division. Without he people, processes, and environment to turn the situation around, the team was eventually sold at a loss and moved to another city. Discussion Questions Why would a company that is turning out a satisfactory product want to continually examine its processes and the work environment? What happened to the old adage If its not broke, dont fix it? The old adage if its not broke, dont fix it is not applicable for the current competitive world. We will write a custom essay sample on WInning or longitivity specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on WInning or longitivity specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on WInning or longitivity specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Even though the company is producing a satisfactory and the best product in the market It Is high-risk for the company to go on with the same product. It Is very important for the company to continuously innovate the current product to exceed the customer expectations and maintain gap between themselves and the rest of the competitors. Here we can take an example of pioneers like Monika and Blackberry how they use to lead the wireless mobile market until Apple and Samsung came into the picture. Their products were absolutely satisfactory but they failed to compete with the current innovations and technology used by their competitors. Added to this quality Is always dynamic and always changes as time passes by and circumstances altered. For an example, there Is radical change in the data storage industry in last decade. If the company restricted their production to floppy discs or Cads they wouldnt have sustained as the technology drastically changed to flash storage and now cloud storage. The competitors who focus on continual improvement might produce a comparable quality. But the competitor who looks beyond Just the quality of the finished product and also focuses on the continual Improvement of the people who produce the product, the processes they use, and the environment they work in will win in the long run. The company should continuously examine its products, processes and the work environment to satisfy the customers or else someone else will. Create a manufacturing, processing, or service sector parallel for this activity. Discuss how this assignment would apply to a company. One of the biggest online bus ticketing companies called to take ten Dustless to ten next level Day utilizing zest technology available and to develop the strong management. Company hired chief operating officers and technology experts from big firms by offering high salaries. Initially company started modestly with a few seats from one bus operator and gradually expanded their horizons to almost all the bus operators country wide. In no time company has become one of the most successful online bus ticket booking agencies. With the fame they gained during initial stages, the best technology used and with the top management resources they hired by offering high salaries the companys growth boosted up instantly but they neglect to look before they leap, moving forward with plans without taking the time to realize that the base assumption of the business plan is wrong. They believe they can predict the future, and invested a lot in acquiring top resources. The company wanted their venture to be all about the technology and management, without taking time to form a balanced plan. Initially the company has not spent a dime on marketing and the growth has been entirely organic, driven by word of mouth boosted by achieving deeper engagement with existing customers. But it is not sufficient to gain the new customers and hold the old customers. The company couldnt spend on marketing and advertising on mass media including TV ads and couldnt offer any deals to the existing customers. The competitors came up with best offers and the marketing strategies and win over the current customers. Due to these circumstances the customer acquisition was slowed down, it has become increasingly harder and more expensive. The company failed to satisfy the existing customers and it has become hard for the company to maintain the top employees. Employees started looking for other sources as they couldnt find any growth in the company. Without the people, processes, and environment to turn the situation around, eventually the company has to shut down for good. Few key factors that affected the company were, emphasis on short-term profits, using only visible data and information in decision -making, and failed to manage the funds effectively.